You are not alone.
You Matter.
Don't Give up.
Join us on Sundays,
10:00 a.m. for our
Worship Service!
Please join us in-person in our beautiful sanctuary, or join us by livestream on Zoom or YouTube. To join by Zoom, click HERE.To join by YouTube (less interactive), click HERE.
If you would like to be contacted by someone from the church, please fill out a virtual Pew Card We hope to meet you!
If you would like to watch one of our recent services, click here.
Click here to learn about our latest Covid-19 protocols.
Community Matters (newsletter)
Volunteer Sign-up Made Easy
Every Sunday FCU needs volunteers to bring flowers, to serve as ushers, and (coming soon!) set up and clean up for coffee hour.
Signing up is easy! Just click here: Hospitality Signup
No account is required, just your name and an email address. For simple instructions click here.
To sign up via email or ask questions: hospitality@fculittle.org
Thank you for serving your community!