Programs remaining in 2023
Programs are open to all who are interested.March 11 Planning meeting for next year
April 15 Business meeting
June 10 Alliance lunch and wrap up
Charitable Donations
In addition to its work for the church, the Alliance has a long history of supporting service organizations by good works and financial contributions.
The Alliance's annual donations have been given to
- Loaves & Fishes
- Neighborhood Supper
- See A New Sun Foundation
- Renewal House of the UU Urban Ministry
For questions and additional information about the Alliance contact:
Kris Ersland, President of the alliance
(978) 486-0574
The commonly known Alliance of FCU is actually the Littleton Branch of the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation. This service-oriented group is open for membership to women of all ages and provides an opportunity to work and play within the scope of our church covenant. It has survived and flourished since the 1880s bringing historical continuity, informative programs, and shared activities that enhance the appreciation of our church and its individual members. The current bylaws in historical text reflect that members gather for the purpose of: “Quickening their religious life, Strengthening their church, Increasing their effectiveness in the community, and Furthering the purpose of the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation.”
Service and Fellowship
A slate of officers and directors are voted upon each year to conduct meetings, select programs and manage the affairs of the Alliance. Modest dues are collected to sustain organizational existence, initiate service projects and provide honorariums to program presenters. Members may elect to pay dues to the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation and support both organizations. Alliance members make a serious commitment to fundraising efforts at the September Fair and Holiday Bazaar. Members, as they are able, participate throughout the year to prepare goods and items for these events. Historically, these funds have been delegated to improvements for the parsonage and church buildings as well as lend financial support to local causes such as Loaves and Fishes, Neighborhood Supper and regional causes such as battered women’s shelters and diabetic children’s camps. There is a strong appreciation of our church and Alliance history and traditions among members. Restoration and preservation of historical objects and collection of verbal reminiscences are current and future priorities. The Alliance often volunteers to organize and hostess celebratory church receptions such as the Ordination of the Minister as well as offer stimulating programs that anyone can attend. Strong friendships grow and members stay in contact through correspondence and visits to those unable to be active due to disability or illness.
A Short History of the Alliance
The Littleton Branch of the Women’s Alliance (more commonly called The Alliance) has a rich history here at FCU extending back to the 1800s.
We are proud to be a branch of the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation (UUWF) that was established in 1963. UUWF is the consolidation of the Alliance of Unitarian Women and the Association of Universalist Women which was organized in 1869 and believed to be the OLDEST organization of church women in the United States. Note the word “oldest” modifies the word “organization” and not the word “women”. The organization advances justice for women through education and advocacy.
Visitors are invited to all our programs and our business meetings where you can learn more about our ongoing projects.