Enrichment Opportunities at FCU
Event | Time | Day(s) | Phone | Location | |
AA | 7:00 PM | every Monday | |||
Al-Anon | 7:00 PM | every Wednesday | 978-947-2848 | ||
Caring for Our Aging Parents/Partners | 7:00 PM | first Mondays |
coap@fculittle.org |
CoDA | 9:00 AM | every Saturday | 617-699-4539 | ||
Energy Medicine Study Group | 7:00 PM | second Thursdays |
cerridwen@aligningenergies.com |
Environmental Action Group | email for dates, times & location |
eag@fculittle.org |
Fiber Fanatics | 1:00 PM | second and fourth Mondays |
fibfans@fculittle.org |
Food, Fun and Fellowship | Monthly on Friday Nights |
fff@fculittle.org |
Health and Harmony Yoga | 7:00 PM | every Wednesday | 978-486-4551 | ||
Men’s Group | 7:00 PM | alternating Sundays |
men@fculittle.org |
Neighborhood Supper | 5:30 PM | third Tuesdays |
neighborhood@fculittle.org |
Prison Volunteering with Toastmasters | 6:00, 6:30, 6:45 PM | Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu | 978-846-2811 |
prisonvolunteering@fculittle.org |
Shirley, Gardner |
Racial Justice Action Film and Discussion | Monthly |
racialjustice@fculittle.org |
Survivors of Suicide Loss | 7:00 PM | Second and fourth Mondays |
survivors@fculittle.org |
The Artemis Singers, a women’s chorus | 6:45 PM | Mondays |
artemis@fculittle.org |
UU Ukes | 11:45 AM | Sundays | |||
Women’s Alliance | 10:00 AM | varying Saturdays every month |
alliance@fculittle.org |