The choirs and the Music Director work together to offer and lead music for worship services. In addition to the organ and piano accompaniment provided by the music director, the choirs occasionally sing songs accompanied by some of the talented musicians in our congregation. All choirs present an annual spring concert. Our choirs' purpose is to serve the congregation through music and uplift the souls of the singers as they offer anthems and lead congregational song.
Mixed Choir
The mixed choir is open to men and women, 9th grade or older, who love music. You do not need to read music to join. The mixed choir sings music that is old and new, relaxing and rowdy, soulful and spicy. They rehearse Thursday evenings from 7:30-9pm. If you're interested in joining or want more information, please talk to the Music Director or any choir member. You can also email your questions to
Artemis Singers
The Artemis Singers are a group of women brought together by music to celebrate the spirit and lives of women across the world. We are an open chorus, and we invite all women to join us in song. Email Artemis Singers for more information.
UU Ukes
The UU Ukuleles hold their weekly practice downstairs in the dining room after church.
Everyone is welcome to hang out and listen and sing.