Dear Members and Friends of FCU:
The Executive Team (Deacons and Standing Committee) and I have discussed the issue of continuing with our church closure in this time of pandemic. We are in unanimous agreement that our building will remain closed until the end of the “church year” (through June). The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has encouraged its associated congregations to remain closed, and we agree that this is the right decision.
We are discouraging our members and friends from entering our building with the exception of “essential personnel” (staff, office team, and financial volunteers). We encourage our essential personnel to wear a mask in the building.
While we dearly miss being together to worship and and participate in other church functions in-person, we are truly grateful that our online connection remains strong and vital. Thank you for continuing to be a part of this incredible community.
I hope to see you tomorrow (and on future Sundays) online for our Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.! [An email will go out with the link tomorrow (and future Sundays) around 9:45 a.m., or go to and click on the video that says “live”.]
With love,
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