September 2018 – Vision: Intentional Imagination
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Wayne Dyer
We’re back! Summer has been relaxing for me but now we are ready to start up again. Sunday, September 9 will begin the year with a Water Communion worship service for everyone. Bring a bit of water that is reminiscent of or symbolizes your summer. We’ll all have a chance to mingle our waters as part of this traditional UU ingathering service.
Our RE program for all ages, “KidSpace”, will begin the following Sunday, September 16. Please see the RE website pages (click “Education” at top of home page) for more information on all our children and youth programs. We welcome everyone.
“Our vision of what can be makes those things real.” Rev. Scott Tayler
Looking forward to a special year,
Vicki Merriam, Director of Religious Education
RE Calendar – September
9 – Opening Sunday “Flower Communion”, worship for all ages
16 – RE begins, “KidSpace”; We’ll celebrate the New Year, ours here at FCU and the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana. We have a vision of a sweet year ahead.
At our first Sunday Social of the year we’ll share some sweet treats and celebrate the new year. This is an expanded coffee hour for all in the downstairs dining room.
23 – “KidSpace” Fall Equinox celebration; a time for harvest celebrations as well as balancing of the day and night, the light and shadow. We’ll affirm our UU Principle, equal justice and fairness for all.
30 – “KidSpace” UU Visions; We’ll participate in a mini vision quest and explore our visions for the future. We’ll hear about the visions of some UU people.
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