January 2018 – “Intention”
Though quite arbitrary, we often start a new year by making resolutions, by setting goals, by attempting changes. The theme for January, intention, is a slightly different way to go. Here are a few quotes from our Soul Matters resources that helped me think about the difference and how I might move to a life of intention this year.
“Here’s what I discovered. Intention is different from setting goals or resolutions in that it ‘pulls us into’ who we truly are. Goals and resolutions ‘push us out’ into future possibilities. To set intentions, we listen to our inner voice which tells us who we truly are.” Katie Covey, UU Religious Educator
“Goals help you make your place in the world and be an effective person. But being grounded in intention is what provides integrity and unity in your life. What would it be like if you didn’t measure the success of your life just by what you get and don’t get, but gave equal or greater priority to how aligned you are with your deepest values? Phillip Moffitt, from The Heart’s Intention
“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are you busy about?” Thoreau
“Intention is the difference between those old mustard stains and Jackson Pollock.” Anon
Cat: Where are you going?
Alice: Which way should I go?
Cat: That depends on where you are going.
Alice: I don’t know.
Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go. Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Which way will you go? Perhaps here at FCU we can explore this together.
Vicki Merriam, Director of Religious Education
Religious Education Calendar
1/7 & 1/14 – Regular classes continue: Spirit Play and The Miracle of Creation
1/21 – “The Miracle of Creation”; At this multigenerational worship service we will celebrate the conclusion of our Creation curriculum which began in September and participants will share some of their experiences. Together we will pledge to care for the earth, our home, and cherish our connection to all creation.
1/28 – Chapel Sunday for all children: 2nd hour, “Pajama Day”: Wear your jammies or other comfy clothes to church then join us after worship to decorate cookies (& eat them), have some hot chocolate, popcorn, and more.
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