Church Closer Phase 1
Dear FCU Family,
Last week the Executive Team met and discussed our next steps with regard to keeping our church and congregants safe during this unprecedented time. Based on the article that we shared from the UUA at the end of last week and various other sources (UUA, State and Littleton COVID guidelines) that we continue to reference for decisions, we all agreed that we must stay the course we have been on.
To better navigate our current situation, we have created one central, clear document as a resource to all of you – Step 1 COVID Protocols, if you will. This document refines the closure policy and the practices that we all need to follow if accessing the church building. From a big picture perspective nothing has changed substantially with how we are proceeding but it provides more context as to the who, what and when.
As we all know, there has been a dramatic increase in cases recently. This late fall and winter season will be difficult for everyone. But if we stay the course there is light at the end of the tunnel. To that end, the Executive Team will be forming a Task Force that will be charged with researching and proposing a stepped plan for reopening our church building when all of the above sources indicate that it is safe to move forward.
Our church building will be closed until January 31st and our services will continue remotely during this time. The ET team will continue to monitor guidance from the UUA, the state and local government and to revisit these decisions. Sometime in January, based on all the sources and the science available, we will let you know how we will proceed after January 31st.
Should you have any questions concerning this document, please feel free to reach out to
The FCU Leadership Team