APRIL – Wholeness: repairing what is broken and knowing we are enough.
“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?” Gabrielle Roth
Wholeness does not mean perfection. We are called to work at being whole and to helping others to feel the same. Something new can be created out of something broken if we accept that it will be different. Each of us has our own way of finding wholeness – dancing, singing, listening to stories, being silent and so much more. No matter what, we can feel whole some of the time and we are complete as we are.
Vicki Merriam, Director of Religious Education
7 – KidSpace: Kindness and the Golden Rule; when we treat others and ourselves with kindness we may feel whole. We’ll make “golden rule” magnets to be sold at the art auction on 4/28. Followed by the Talent Auction. Child care provided.
14– KidSpace: Caring for the earth helps us to feel whole. We’ll make natural cleaning products to sell at the art auction.
21 – KidSpace: Fun with eggs to celebrate Easter, Passover, and Earth Day.
Wholeness may come from making something new out of something broken.
Sat 4/27 – Family Seder, 5:00 PM. Passover (Pesach) celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. FCU has traditionally hosted a pot-luck Passover Seder to celebrate this holiday, honor our Jewish friends, and remember the hope of freedom for all. This is a (very) family-friendly event to allow us to come together, share a pot luck meal and learn about this Jewish tradition. A sign-up sheet will be available in the vestry for this kosher pot luck event. Remember, no yeast products or leavened bread. Matzah (gluten-free and wheat) will be provided as will matzoh ball soup. For recipes or more information contact Rich Lombardy at richlombardy@verizon.net.
28 – KidSpace: Arts day: Art can help us feel whole; each of our creations is unique and part of our wholeness. Special art projects will be created for sale during the Sunday Social art auction following worship. The children will have their own table and take part in raising money for FCU. Bring food to share at the social – be creative.
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