APRIL 2018 Emergence
“Inherent dignity. Inherent worth. Our theology says you need not be transformed first. Come as you are and be blessed.” Rev. Jane Rzepka
Just come. Then we can work together to see what emerges.
Vicki Merriam, Director of Religious Education
Religious Education Calendar, April
4/1 – Easter Worship service, multigenerational; egg hunt for little ones
4/8 – Talent and Service Auction in place of this month’s 2nd hour. All ages welcome, following worship.
4/8, 4/15, 4/22, & 4/29 KidSpace: Kids of all ages are welcome to this new plan to engage in community and share UU ideas and values. Each week will have a timely focus and offer a variety of activities from which to choose such as games, nature activities, crafts, and more following Time For All Ages at the beginning of the worship service.
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